Monday, December 7, 2009

Lasting Impression

Wow, I can't believe this is it. My very last blog about the Richmond. It seems like just yesterday I was sitting on the 38 Geary contemplating the first one.
But what an experience it has been. When I first started reporting I had no idea what to expect. I didn't know anything about the neighborhood; I had never really spent any time there.

Fast Forward almost four months to today and I can say that has all changed. The once unfamiliar neighborhood is now familiar. That in itself seems like an accomplishment considering the overall size of the neighborhood.

So what can I say about my time spent in the Richmond this semester? Well, I learned a lot about a neighborhood that I had known nothing about, I met many fascinating people, I saw a lot of cool places, and I ate some AMAZING food. I think that was one of my favorite parts-having an excuse to eat (what can I say, I'll do anything for school).

But really, I am so happy I had this opportunity to learn about an area of San Francisco I probably would have otherwise continued to overlook. I can honestly say that I believe the Richmond District encompasses many of the qualities that people love most about San Francisco. It is truly diverse with its own unique cultural identity and it has a rich history.

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