Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Golden Gate Park

Much like Fisherman’s Wharf, Chinatown, North Beach or Union Square, Golden Gate Park has come to be seen as one of San Francisco’s quintessential landmarks, one of those uniquely San Francisco institutions.

However, unlike many of its downtown landmark counterparts, Golden Gate Park is a place that San Franciscans can regularly take advantage of and for many it's a big part of day-to-day life.

This is especially true for many in the Richmond District as the 3-mile long park borders the whole Southern side of the neighborhood making the park easily accessible from much of the Richmond.

Entering Golden Gate Park from the Richmond is simple and can be done in several places. On a recent afternoon I found myself entering the park from Park Presidio and almost immediately was strolling through the Rose Gardens, one of Golden Gate Park’s many gardens.

It was the late afternoon but this section of the park was still warm and filled with people jogging, walking their dogs or just going for a leisurely afternoon stroll- an ideal way to spend some time in the Rose Gardens. Also mixed in with the obvious residents from nearby were foreign tourists, schoolchildren and park workers.

The air was filled with typical park sounds- laughing children, barking dogs, chattering conversation and ringing bells from the numerous bicyclists passing through.

I was struck by how serene this part of the Park was as I realized how valuable of a commodity Golden Gate Park is to San Francisco, particularly for those fortunate enough to live so nearby.

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